SimplyFun spellen
SimplyFun spellen
leeftijd: 4+
spelers: 2-4
speeltijd: 5-15 min
Design: Alvin Madden
Ice Hop
Tellen, splitsen en vooruit denken
Het is weer tijd voor de jaarlijkse mars van de pinguïns. Springend van schots naar schots, leggen ze route na route af. Spelenderwijs leren de kinderen tellen en splitsen, de basis vaardigheden van rekenen.
Het spel
Elke speler heeft een paar pinguïnkaarten en schotsenkaarten. Deze in combinatie met de schotsenkaarten op tafel, stellen de speler in staat routees af te leggen, waarvan de lengte bepaald wordt door de pinguïnkaarten. We uiteindelijk bij elkaar opgeteld de langste afstand heeft afgeled, wint het spel. Een leuk, simpel, snel en leerzaam!
leeftijd: 4+
spelers: 2-4
speeltijd: 5-15 min
Design: Alvin Madden
Ice Hop
Tellen, splitsen en vooruit denken
Het is weer tijd voor de jaarlijkse mars van de pinguïns. Springend van schots naar schots, leggen ze route na route af. Spelenderwijs leren de kinderen tellen en splitsen, de basis vaardigheden van rekenen.
Het spel
Elke speler heeft een paar pinguïnkaarten en schotsenkaarten. Deze in combinatie met de schotsenkaarten op tafel, stellen de speler in staat routees af te leggen, waarvan de lengte bepaald wordt door de pinguïnkaarten. We uiteindelijk bij elkaar opgeteld de langste afstand heeft afgeled, wint het spel. Een leuk, simpel, snel en leerzaam!
leeftijd: 4+
spelers: 2-4
speeltijd: 5-15 min
Design: Alvin Madden
Ice Hop
Tellen, splitsen en vooruit denken
Het is weer tijd voor de jaarlijkse mars van de pinguïns. Springend van schots naar schots, leggen ze route na route af. Spelenderwijs leren de kinderen tellen en splitsen, de basis vaardigheden van rekenen.
Het spel
Elke speler heeft een paar pinguïnkaarten en schotsenkaarten. Deze in combinatie met de schotsenkaarten op tafel, stellen de speler in staat routees af te leggen, waarvan de lengte bepaald wordt door de pinguïnkaarten. We uiteindelijk bij elkaar opgeteld de langste afstand heeft afgeled, wint het spel. Een leuk, simpel, snel en leerzaam!
leeftijd: 5+
spelers: 2-6
speeltijd: 15 min
Telling time with Tibbar
It’s “time” to learn!
Learn the basics of telling time first in Analog with our clock puzzle. Then, learn digital and 24-hour with our memory game.
“Telling time in today’s world is like trying to learn 3 different languages and can be confusing for your child.”
Basic Game Play
Use the Tibbar wooden puzzle clock to introduce the basics of analog time, practice telling time by moving Tibbar’s hands on Tibbar’s Clock Puzzle. Then play the Telling Time game by using 2 (analog and digital) or all 3 (analog, digital and scientific) of the game tiles by laying each set of tiles face down in a row, then letting each person turn over one of each type of tile to form a match.
leeftijd: 5+
spelers: 2-6
speeltijd: 15 min
Telling time with Tibbar
It’s “time” to learn!
Learn the basics of telling time first in Analog with our clock puzzle. Then, learn digital and 24-hour with our memory game.
“Telling time in today’s world is like trying to learn 3 different languages and can be confusing for your child.”
Basic Game Play
Use the Tibbar wooden puzzle clock to introduce the basics of analog time, practice telling time by moving Tibbar’s hands on Tibbar’s Clock Puzzle. Then play the Telling Time game by using 2 (analog and digital) or all 3 (analog, digital and scientific) of the game tiles by laying each set of tiles face down in a row, then letting each person turn over one of each type of tile to form a match.
leeftijd: 8+
spelers: 2-4
speeltijd: 30 min
Hue Turn
No “good turn” should go unrewarded
Can you see your pattern on the board? If not, add a peg or make a Hue Turn to get the pattern you need to score your card!
“Hue Turn is a family game that is big on Spatial Visualization. Add in some strategy and ‘Hue Turns’ and the FUN begins!”
Basic Game Play
Patterns show two, three or four peg positions with complex patterns worth more points than simple ones. Position pegs on the game board so they complete the pattern shown on one (or more) of your Pattern cards. Complex patterns are worth more points than the simple ones. Taking a “Hue Turn” can head you in the right direction. See how good your pattern recognition is. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
This game is wonderful for developing patterning skills – a key element in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Identifying unique patterns and deciding what comes next helps develop a strong math foundation.
leeftijd: 8+
spelers: 2-4
speeltijd: 30 min
Hue Turn
No “good turn” should go unrewarded
Can you see your pattern on the board? If not, add a peg or make a Hue Turn to get the pattern you need to score your card!
“Hue Turn is a family game that is big on Spatial Visualization. Add in some strategy and ‘Hue Turns’ and the FUN begins!”
Basic Game Play
Patterns show two, three or four peg positions with complex patterns worth more points than simple ones. Position pegs on the game board so they complete the pattern shown on one (or more) of your Pattern cards. Complex patterns are worth more points than the simple ones. Taking a “Hue Turn” can head you in the right direction. See how good your pattern recognition is. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
This game is wonderful for developing patterning skills – a key element in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Identifying unique patterns and deciding what comes next helps develop a strong math foundation.
leeftijd: 8+
spelers: 2-4
speeltijd: 30 min
Katachi means “the ideal shape or form” Walk tiles back toward your corner by matching color, shape, or size. Plan your moves to get three tiles back to your home corner.
“Katachi is a unique geometric strategy game for 2-4 players that teaches about sequences and how to group objects by their similarities.”
Basic Game Play
Roll the two dice and then find a tile that meets the criteria shown. Next move the tile back toward your “home” corner as many steps as possible by matching its color, size or shape. When you’ve moved as far as you can, the next player goes. The first player to get a stack of three on top of their original starting tile, plus one more on the adjacent space, is the winner.
Looking for patterns and connections are skills used in engineering fields.
- Airs left- and right- brain activities: creativity and logic
- Teaches how objects can be interrelated in multiple ways
- Evaluating multiple choices and planning a sequence are important problem solving skills
leeftijd: 8+
spelers: 2-4
speeltijd: 30 min
Katachi means “the ideal shape or form” Walk tiles back toward your corner by matching color, shape, or size. Plan your moves to get three tiles back to your home corner.
“Katachi is a unique geometric strategy game for 2-4 players that teaches about sequences and how to group objects by their similarities.”
Basic Game Play
Roll the two dice and then find a tile that meets the criteria shown. Next move the tile back toward your “home” corner as many steps as possible by matching its color, size or shape. When you’ve moved as far as you can, the next player goes. The first player to get a stack of three on top of their original starting tile, plus one more on the adjacent space, is the winner.
Looking for patterns and connections are skills used in engineering fields.
- Airs left- and right- brain activities: creativity and logic
- Teaches how objects can be interrelated in multiple ways
- Evaluating multiple choices and planning a sequence are important problem solving skills
leeftijd: 6+
spelers: 2-6
speeltijd: 10-15 min
Tibbar’s Mix to Match
Tibbar paints the town red Our buddy Tibbar is painting the town red. And orange… and even blue-green! In Mix to Match, your kids will learn how to combine colors to create secondary and tertiary shades.
“Elementary students love learning how colors combine to create new shades. Mix to Match teaches not just the secondary combinations, but also an extra level of tertiary colors. Everyone will have fun bouncing Tibbar around the painter’s palette trying to land on a color shown on one of their cards!”
Basic Game Play
Play a color token to move the Tibbar pawn around the wheel toward that color. For example, playing two yellow tokens can advance the pawn from Green to Yellow-Green and finally to the primary color Yellow. When you move the pawn to a space that matches one of your cards, you can place your card next to the game board. The first to play all their cards wins the game.
- Mix to Match teaches the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colors without the use of messy paints!
- It also teaches kids to plan ahead by determining which color tokens they need to move to the colors in their hand.
leeftijd: 6+
spelers: 2-6
speeltijd: 10-15 min
Tibbar’s Mix to Match
Tibbar paints the town red Our buddy Tibbar is painting the town red. And orange… and even blue-green! In Mix to Match, your kids will learn how to combine colors to create secondary and tertiary shades.
“Elementary students love learning how colors combine to create new shades. Mix to Match teaches not just the secondary combinations, but also an extra level of tertiary colors. Everyone will have fun bouncing Tibbar around the painter’s palette trying to land on a color shown on one of their cards!”
Basic Game Play
Play a color token to move the Tibbar pawn around the wheel toward that color. For example, playing two yellow tokens can advance the pawn from Green to Yellow-Green and finally to the primary color Yellow. When you move the pawn to a space that matches one of your cards, you can place your card next to the game board. The first to play all their cards wins the game.
- Mix to Match teaches the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colors without the use of messy paints!
- It also teaches kids to plan ahead by determining which color tokens they need to move to the colors in their hand.
Bovenweg 235
1834 CM St. Pancras
telefoon: +31 (0)72 - 785 04 72
mobiel: +31 (0)6 - 558 776 29
Ontwerp en realisatie: 2DSign
Bovenweg 235
1834 CM St. Pancras
telefoon: +31 (0)72 - 785 04 72
mobiel: +31 (0)6 - 558 776 29
Ontwerp en realisatie: 2DSign